Hi there!

I'm Ian Van Cauwenberg,
Aspiring Full Stack Developer


Web development

HTML,(S)CSS and JS are a given. Besides that I'm in love with meta-frameworks like Next.js & SvelteKit and have a soft spot for TS 🧡.

App development

Although not my main focus, I've made a few apps with React Native & Xamarin, using custom APIs and cloud platforms where needed.


.NET or Node.js? I can't choose myself, but the most important principles remain the same. A consistent structure, modularity and testing are key.

Cloud & virtualization

Docker, Netlify, Google Cloud, … they make life just a bit easier. Be it to host that DB or an entire application.


I’ve used relational DBMSs like MySQL, but I'm personally a bigger fan of document databases like MongoDB. I try to go NoSQL when possible.


It isn’t my forte, but I have some experience with UI/UX design and the tools around it like Adobe Xd, Ps, Ai, Ae and Pr.

My latest projects

Contact me

  • van.cauwenberg.ian@gmail.com

  • +32 483 71 67 04

  • Oostende & Brugge